As in earlier blogs, I will define the subject in simple terms and then expand on what the author's (and in this case, other theorists) have said. For me, Interactivity is the connection that occurs between a human and a piece of technology. For example the interactivity of XBOX Live and an XBOX user. With the idea of XBOX Live, users are able to connect and 'interact' with others around the world and create a sort of 'online community' or even, 'online culture', just as long as the users are connected to the Internet. The use of the Internet also creates an online community with programs such as 'Facebook' or 'Myspace'. The idea of 'interactivity' does not just appear to be the connection between a human and a piece of technology, but can also be defined as the connection of humans through a piece of technology.
According to Blattenberg and Deighton (1991), 'interactivity is facility for persons and organisations to communicate directly with one another regardless of distance and time'. In simple terms, new technology is not the only of 'interacting' with one another. According to Liu and Shrum, users like to feel as though they are the ones with power and that they have choices with matters that effect interactivity. From this, they also want to feel safe whilst interacting. This could also link to Liu and Shrum's idea that interactivity must contain a 2 way communication between producers and consumers so that if any problems occur, the producers can fix it to the needs of the consumers.
I found this reading extremely interesting and very rewarding as some of the previous readings. It explained (and not from just one source of ideas) a deeper meaning into the topic of interactivity. I found the reading straightforward (unlike McLuhan) and very fulfilling.
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