This week's reading was from the text book entitled
Web Theory: An Introduction written by
Burnett and Marshall 2003. We were asked to read one chapter, entitled: 'Information and Networks'. I found this reading to be something out of the obvious, that is of course when you understood the term 'Network'. The definition of network has 2 key terms within it, 'connecting' and 'operating'. A network allows users to 'operate' and also 'connect' to it. This allows us to come to grasps with the general forms of networks. Another idea of networks is the idea that people can connect with each other (through social networking sites), and are able to function, 'operate' in a specific manner.
Idea of Cyberspace being secure. |
In the reading, Burnett and Marshall link to another theorist on the idea of networking. William Gibson wrote the intricacies of 'Neuromancer' (1984) and suggested the idea of cyberspace and how it has been morphed from that one meaning into countless of others. For example, 'cyberworld' and 'cyberculture'. From this we can ask ourselves what the meaning of 'cyber' is, as the prefix can be added to many words. Gibson defines 'cyber' as the culture of computers, information technology and also virtual reality. In terms Gibson relates to, 'The Cyber Age'. Due to the inventions of new technology, the cyber age has developed and grown into a major aspect of todays culture.
Burnett and Marshall also look at the history of the word 'cyber' and come to a riviting conclusion that the word 'cyber' derives from the Greek word meaning 'to steer'. This idea suggests that due to the invention of new technologies (and also the age of the internet), as consumers, we are able to choose, (or even 'to steer') ways of receiving information and media content. The idea of networking fits in with this as consumers are able to connect to different media content and in some cases can operate it.